OSLC Vacation Bible School 2025
True North - Trusting Jesus in a Wild World VBS!
June 9th - 13th, 2025!
Register Participants and Volunteers here!
Watch an intro to next summers VBS - True North!
Parent/Guardian Name
This address will receive a confirmation email
Participant #1 Name, age, allergies, medical concerns, friend request
Participant #2 Name, age, allergies, medical concerns, friend request
Participant #3 Name, age, allergies, medical concerns, friend request
Participant #4 Name, age, allergies, medical concerns, friend request
Volunteer/s Name/s, age's, dates available, allergies or medical concerns
Volunteer areas willing to help
Please select all that apply.
lead a small group
lead an activity
be in morning skits
donate items
registration help
planning and prep
help transport another child
True North - Trusting Jesus in a Wild World VBS!
June 9th - 13th, 2025!
Register Participants and Volunteers here!
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